This is Not The Surgery I Ordered, Sir
I got a gentle nudge that I hadn’t written anything about my surgery in specific, and how the recovery is going. I can’t promise I’ll share all the horrid details, but I hope you’ll feel like you know...
View ArticleThe Dreaded Follow Up
I saw Dr. WLS for my first post-op appointment yesterday. It was just about as bad as I expected. I have witnesses who will tell you it wasn’t horrible, but there were lots of questions and innuendos...
View ArticleBreathing in, Breathing Out: Tonglen
There are two topics that have been vying for blog post-dom, and then I realized that maybe they can coexist in a single post. One is how I use the meditative practice of tonglen to help deal with my...
View ArticlePushing the Limits
I am, at heart, a pusher of limits. If you tell me I (or you) can’t do something, I am literally obsessed with finding a way to make it possible. This may sound like a mostly positive thing, but as one...
View ArticleSometimes It Feels Like a Three Ring Circus
I will admit, I’ve been shying away from posting some of the medical stuff I’ve been going through online; it’s kind of a silly reason so I’m not going to explain it. But today was full of such medical...
View ArticleCutting Away the Heart of the Matter
I’ve been spending the last few days weighing back and forth on how much, if anything, I was going to talk about the upcoming surgery I face. It’s high risk, and a big deal, and it’s messing with my...
View ArticleThree Doc Monty, Shame, and Speaking Up
Before I begin the whole story of my recent adventures in dermatology and infectious disease, I want to address one of the reasons it has taken me this long to write this entry. I have written about...
View ArticleDon’t Panic
The theme of this hospital stay seems to be “Don’t Panic”, like the large friendly words they put on the cover of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Except in my case, I keep being told not to panic...
View ArticleThe Three Sided Coin
If you just want the short version, you can skim/scroll down to the “Here is the TL:DR Bookmark”, and start there. You’re welcome. As you all know, I had a panniculectomy in late December, from which I...
View ArticleSurgery Tomorrow
12 days after being admitted through the ER and the decision has finally been made: I am having surgery tomorrow. In a way I guess it’s a good thing we waited, as I have a very clear understanding that...
View ArticleThe Magic Number
Hey there, dear readers. Before I begin, I want to apologize. When I started this blog, one of the main reasons was so I could share information about my health in a timely manner from a centralized...
View ArticleCongestive Heart Failure And Me
I have been diagnosed with stage 3, right sided congestive heart failure. Let’s break that down so you understand what that means. Keep in mind, I’m not a doctor and this is by no means meant to be a...
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